Хэвлэлийн мэдээ (PRESS RELEASE)


Улсын Их Хурлын сонгуулийн 10 дугаар тойргийн хорооны тогтоолоор Улсын Их Хурлын сонгуулийн тухай хуулийн 26 дугаар зүйлийн 26.7-д заасныг үндэслэн З.Ойдовыг нэр дэвшигчээр бүртгэхээс татгалзсан нь үндэслтэй байна гэж Монгол Улсын Сонгуулийн Ерөнхий Хороо үзлээ.

            Монгол Улсын Сонгуулийн Ерөнхий хороо МАХН-МҮАН-ын “Шударга ёс” эвслээс нэрийг нь дэвшүүлсэн Н.Энхбаярын талаар ЦЕГ, АТГ, ШШГЕГ-аас холбогдох лавлагаа авсны дараа тухайн нэр дэвшигчийг бүртгэх эсэх асуудлыг үргэлжлүүлэн хэлэлцэв. УИХ-ын сонгуулийн тухай хуулийн 27 дугаар зүйлийн  27.5.2, 29 дүгээр зүйлийн 29.10, 29.11.4 дэх хэсэг, Сонгуулийн төв байгууллагын тухай хуулийн 12 дугаар зүйлийн 12.3 дахь хэсгийг тус тус үндэслэн МАХН-МҮАН-ын “Шударга ёс” эвлээс Улсын Их Хурлын 2012 оны сонгуульд намын жагсаалтаар нэрийг нь дэвшүүлсэн Н.Энхбаярыг УИХ-ын гишүүнд нэр дэвшигчээр бүртгэхээс татгалзсан шийдвэрийг СЕХ гаргалаа.

            Мөн хуралдаанаас МАХН-МҮАН-ын “Шударга ё” эвслээс намын жагсаалтаар нэрийг нь дэвшүүлсэн Э.Батшугар нь Улсын Их Хурлын сонгуулийн тухай хуулийн 26 дугаар зүйлийн 26.4.3-т заасан шаардлагыг хангаагүй байх тул нэр дэвшигчийн жагсаалтаас хасах шийдвэрийг гаргав.

            Түүнчлэн Улсын Их Хурлын сонгуулийн 24 дүгээр тойрогт бие даан нэр дэвшсэн иргэн С.Төмөрийг нэр дэвшигчээр бүртгэхээс татгалзсан тус тойргийн хорооны тогтоолыг хүчингүй болгож түүнийг бие даан нэр дэвшигчээр бүртгэж, үнэмлэх олгохыг тойргийн хороонд даалгав гэж СЕХ-ны хэвлэл, мэдээллийн төлөөлөгч мэдээлэв.


            Сонгуулийн ерөнхий хороны 2012 оны 6 дугаар сарын 08-ны өдрийн хуралдаанаар “МАХН-МҮАН-ын Шударга ёс эвсэл”-ээс гаргасан гомдлуудыг хэлэлцээд Н.Энхбаяр, Э.Батшугар, С.Нарангэрэл, Н.Санжаадорж нарыг бүртгэхээс татгалзсан тус Хорооны шийдвэрүүд тус тус үндэслэлтэй гэж үзжээ. Мөн тус эвслээс УИХ-ын сонгуулийн 10 дугаар тойрогт нэр дэвшсэн З.Ойдов, 23 дугаар тойрогт нэр дэвшсэн  С.Авирмэд, 23  дугаар тойрогт бие даан нэр дэвшсэн О.Сэлэнгэ нарыг бүртгэхээс татгалзсан тойргийн хороодын тогтоолууд үндэслтэй гэж үзэж гомдлыг хангахгүй орхив гэж Сонгуулийн ерөнхий хорооны хэвлэл, мэдээллийн төлөөлөгч мэдээлэв.











The Press Secretary of the General Election Commission of Mongolia reports:


The General Election Commission (GEC) concluded that the resolution of the Electoral District Committee #10 refusing to register Z. Oidov as an a candidate for the election, made in accordance with Article 26.7 of the Law of Mongolia on the Election of the State Great Khural of Mongolia is grounded and justified.


Having received references from the General Police Office (GPO), Independent Authority against Corruption (IAAC), and the Court Decision Enforcement General Office (GDEGO) on N. Enkhbayar, a candidate nominated by the “Justice” Coalition of the MPRP and MNDP, the GEC continued discussing the registration of the latter as an election candidate. Based on Article 27.5.2, 29.10, 29.11.4 of the Law of Mongolia on the Election of the State Great Khural of Mongolia, and Article 12.3 of the Law of Mongolia on the Central Electoral Body, the GEC resolved to refuse to register N. Enkhbayar, a candidate nominated by the party list by “Justice” Coalition of the MPRP and MNDP for 2012 State Great Khural election.


The GEC also resolved to remove from the election candidate slate/list E. Batshugar, a candidate nominated by the party list by “Justice” Coalition of the MPRP and MNDP for 2012 State Great Khural election, as the latter does not meet the requirement set forth in Article 26.4.3 of the Law of Mongolia on the Election of the State Great Khural of Mongolia.


The GEC invalidated the resolution of the Electoral District Committee #24, which refused to register citizen S. Tumur as an independent candidate in the election, and registered the latter as an independent candidate and instructed the EDC#24 to issue the identification card of a candidate in the election.




The Press Secretary of the General Election Commission reported that the session of the General Election Commission ofJune 8, 2012, discussed the complaints received from the “Justice” Coalition of the MPRP and MNDP and resolved that the decisions of the GEC to refuse to register N. Enkhbayar, E. Batshugar, S. Narangerel and N. Sanjaadorj as candidates for the election were grounded and justifiable. The GEC also resolved that the decisions of the pertinent electoral district committees to refuse to register the candidates from the same Coalition Z. Oidov, nominated in Electoral District #10, S. Avirmed, nominated in Electoral District #23, and an independent candidate O. Selenge, nominated in Electoral District #23 were grounded and justifiable.



Provisions of the Law of Mongolia on the Election of the State Great Khural of Mongolia, mentioned in the release and statement above:


Law of Mongolia on the Election of the State Great Khural of Mongolia:


Article 26.7

“A member of one party is prohibited nomination by another party and a coalition is prohibited from nominating candidates from parties other than the coalition member”.


Article 27.5.2

“in proposing a candidate, to consider the individual’s knowledge, education, experience and skills qualifying him/her for Member of the State Great Khural, commitment to dedicating his/her intellect, energy and effort for the good of the country and people, and to upholding and consolidating Mongolia’s independence and sovereignty, and his/her capacity to abide by the norms of integrity, rule of law and ethical conduct of a Member of the State Great Khural”.


Article 29.10

“The General Election Commission and district committees shall issue their decisions on whether to register candidates within seven days after they receive the documents referred to in Article 29.2-29.4 hereof”.


                        Article 29.2-29.4


Article 29.2: A nominating party or a coalition shall deliver the following documents on its candidate proposed for an electoral district to the district committee within five days after the end of the nomination process set forth in Article 26.1 hereof.


Article 26.1: A party or a coalition participating in the elections shall start candidate nomination for membership in the State Great Khural following 20 days after the announcement of the election date and complete the process within seven days.


                        Article 29.2.1: the resolution and minutes on candidate nomination;

29.2.2: slate of all its candidates and each candidate’s written consent;

                                    29.2.3: candidate’s asset and income declaration;

29.2.4: candidate’s non-indebtedness declaration and certification thereof from a competent authority or organization pursuant to Article 26.4.1.


Article 26.4.1: to have no loan, collateral or guarantee debts due for payment to a bank or other legal persons or citizens as determined by a court decision or overdue income taxes;


29.2.5: police certification confirming the status specified in


Article 26.4.2


Article 26.4.2: to have no criminal record or, if ever convicted, to have such a conviction cleared pursuant to Article 78.2 and 78.3 of the Criminal Law;


29.2.6: resolution of a competent authority or organization on the discharge of the person referred to in Article 26.6 hereof from civil service and his/her job, position, and


Article 26.6: Civil servant other than political appointee, or senior official of a wholly or partially state- or local government-owned legal person, if intending to run for membership in the State Great Khural, shall be discharged from civil service and his/her job or position before the 1st day of January of the election year.


                                    29.2.7:candidate’s resume


Article 29.3: A nominating party or coalition shall deliver the documents specified in Article 29.2.1-29.2.7 hereof on party or coalition candidates other than those proposed for districts within the time frame set forth in Article 29.2 hereof to the General Election Commission.


Article 29.4:A party or a coalition shall deliver its resolution on candidate nomination for membership in the State Great Khural, the slate of all candidates and minutes of nomination meeting to the General Election Commission before it delivers the documents specified in Article 29.2 hereof on its electoral district candidates to district committees.



Article 29.11.4

“deny registration of all candidates if candidate nomination process violates Article 27 hereof”.


                        Article 27.Candidate nomination by party or coalition


27.1: A party or coalition shall nominate not more than 76 candidates for a State Great Khural election, entered on one slate in the order set by the party or coalition.


27.2: Not less than 20 percent of the candidates proposed by a party or coalition pursuant to Article 27.1 hereof shall be women.


27.3: The number of candidates from a party or coalition in an electoral district shall not exceed the number of the mandates allocated for the given district.


27.4: Party candidate nomination shall be discussed and effected by the secret ballot and in a democratic principle of majority vote in a congress or a meeting of the central representative body of the party pursuant to the Article 13.7 of the Law on Political Party.


27.5: In candidate nomination, a party shall abide by the following procedures apart from the general rules set forth in Article 26 hereof:


Note: Article 26 provides for the uniform procedures for candidate nomination and will appear below in entirety


27.5.1: to ensure that party members meeting the requirements specified in this Law be selected on the basis of equal opportunity for nomination and election from primary party units as per its charter; and


27.5.2: in proposing a candidate, to consider the individual’s knowledge, education, experience and skills qualifying him/her for Member of the State Great Khural, commitment to dedicating his/her intellect, energy and effort for the good of the country and the people, and to upholding and consolidating Mongolia’s independence and sovereignty, and his/her capacity to abide by the norms of integrity, rule of law and ethical conduct of a Member of the State Great Khural;


27.5.3: to prohibit solicitation by means of money and material gain, intimidation or deception in nomination process undertaken pursuant to Article 27.5.1 hereof;


27.5.4: in creating the slate referred to Article 27.1 hereof, to arrange no more than first 48 candidates in order of districts and no more than 28 candidates in order of the number and percentage of votes obtained by each candidate in the meeting set forth in Article 24.1 and 27.4 hereof; and


24.1: If the parties registered with the Supreme Court pursuant to Article 23.1 hereof form a coalition to participate in a regular election of the State Gret Khural, each party joining the coalition shall hold its congress or a meeting of its representative body and address the following:


23.1: A party which has registered with the Supreme Court before the day of the announcement of elections shall have the right to participate in the election.



24.1.1: discussion and approval of the title and election platform of the coalition;


24.1.2: approval of the number od candidates from each party in the coalition;


24.1.3: discussion and nomination of candidates for the quota allocated for each party;


24.1.4: appointment of party representatives who are authorized to make decisions on election-related issues on the party’s behalf in the coalition, and


24.1.5: review of the coalition agreement.


27.5.5: to include the information on party congress or central representative body or coalition representative body, number of its members, rate of meeting attendance, number and percentage of votes obtained by each candidate the party or coalition nominates, and candidate’s qualification as per the terms and criteria specified in this Law in the minutes of the candidate nomination meeting.


27.6: In nominating its candidates, a coalition shall abide by the procedures set forth in Article 24.1.2, 24.1.3 [appear above], 24.2, 24.6 and 27.5 hereof.


24.2: The body referred to in Article 24.1 [appear above] hereof shall resolve the issue referred to in Article 24.1.3 [appear above] hereof by secret ballot.


24.6: A coalition representative body shall consist of representatives appointed by each party in the coalition pursuant to Article 24.1.4 hereof, and while having the power to make decisions on election- and coalition-related issues such as amendment of the coalition’s election platform and agreement, establishment of the order to candidates on the coalition list, nomination for political positions such as Chairperson of the State Great Khural and Prime Minister, nomination for by-elections and termination of the coalition agreement, it shall not have the right to change the number of seats allocated for the parties pursuant to Article 24.1.2 hereof.



27.7: A party or a coalition shall issue and enforce its own internal procedures for candidate nomination in compliance with this Law.


Article 26.4.3

“if a citizen of military service age, to have done the term of active military duty under the Law on Citizen’s Military Duty and Legal Status of Servicemembers”.


Article 26. Uniform Procedures for Candidate Nomination (in full)


26.1. A party or a coalition participating in the elections shall start candidate nomination for membership in the State Great Khural following 20 days after the announcement of the election date and complete the process within seven days.


26.2. Nomination of an independent candidate for elections shall start following 15 days after the announcement of the election date and be completed within 12 days.


26.3. A citizen whose candidacy for a Member of the State Great Khural has been registered and who has obtained the identification card of a candidate for a Member of the State Great Khural pursuant to Article 29 [on the registration of candidates] hereof, shall be deemed to be a candidate for a Member of the State Great Khural.


26.4. A candidate shall meet the following requirements apart from those specified in Article 6.2 hereof.


Article 6.2: A citizen of Mongolia, who is twenty five years of age, has full legal capacity and meets the criteria set forth in this Law shall have the right to be elected a Member of the State Great Khural.


26.4.1: to have no loan, collateral or guarantee debt due for payment to a bank or other legal persons or citizens as determined by a court decision or overdue income taxes;


26.4.2: to have no criminal record or, if ever convicted, to have such a conviction cleared pursuant to Article 78.2 and 78.3 of the Criminal Law; and


26.4.3: if a citizen of military service age, to have done the term of the active military duty under the Law on Citizens’ Military Duty and Legal Status of Servicemembers.


26.5: Article 26.4.3. hereof shall not apply to a citizen who has attained the age of 27 years before this Law enters into force.


26.6: Civil servant other than political appointee, orsenior official of a wholly or partially state- or local government-owned legal person, if intending to run for membership in the State Great Khural, shall be discharged from civil service and his/her job or position before the 1st day of January of the election year.


26.7: A member of one party is prohibited nomination by another party and a coalition is prohibited from nominating candidates from parties other than the coalition members.


26.8: A candidate may not stand for election in more than one district.


26.9: A party or a coalition may nominate a citizen not affiliated with any party on the basis of his/her written consent.


26.10: A candidate shall choose and agree nomination either for a district or for the list and the decision by the competent body thereof may not be modified until the end of the polling.


26.11: If a civil servant who has been discharged from civil service pursuant to Article 26.6 hereof returns to civil service, procedures set forth in Article 17 of the Law on Civil Service shall apply.


Law of Mongolia on the Central Electoral Body

Article 12.3


The Commission shall discuss issues under its full powers and shall resolve the issue by its resolution adopted by the majority of votes of all Members of the Commission, which shall be signed by Chairman and the Secretary of the Commission.


Law of Mongolia on Political Party

Article 13.7


Election platform and nomination of candidates for the Presidential and the State Great Khural shall be decided by the party congress or the party’s central representative body, elected from the party congress. Nomination of the candidates shall be resolved by secret ballot.